$132,000 raised, $68,000 to go

Readers get creative to raise money for People’s Weekly World

DETROIT — Powered by the creativity and ingenuity of our supporters, the 2008 People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Fund Drive surged to $132,000 by the end of November, with four local Friends of People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo organizations surpassing their goal, and others getting close to the top.

Readers in Texas, Connecticut, Vermont and Kentucky all fulfilled their goals, and more. This represents a dramatic turnaround for Vermont and Kentucky, both of whom did not complete their goals in 2007 or 2006.

Some local organizations, like Michigan, are using creative ways, and utilizing the skills of PWW readers, to raise funds.

“We’re selling jam,” said John Rummel, coordinator of the Michigan Friends of the PWW. “And we’re raising a lot of money.”

A Michigan supporter is known to family and friends—and now readers—for her jam-making skills. She makes them in her own kitchen, in dozens of different flavors, everything from watermelon to jalapeno, says Rummel. She then gives all the proceeds to her favorite paper.

“Last year we got about $1,110” in jam money, Rummel added. This weekend the jam maker is scheduled to set up a table at Noel Night, a holiday festival in Detroit.

Other groups are just about done: Iowa and Nebraska and New Mexico will complete their goals with less than $100 — combined. Other areas are not so high in their percentages, but many of them are planning big events that are established traditions and bring in thousands of dollars. Eastern Pennsylvania, Missouri and Illinois are in this group.

(Check out the scoreboard, above, from a Chicago Sox night out PWW fundraiser, another creative way to raise money for your favorite newspaper.)

Dan Margolis is chair of the 2008 People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo fund drive.

People’s Weekly World
Fund Drive Now
send a check payable to
PWW, 235 West 23rd Fl 8, New York, NY 10011

