When analog TV broadcast ends Feb. 17 all hell will break lose.

Rod Blagojevich will beat all allegations against him and become a folk hero like Jesse James.

With a big struggle, the Employee Free Choice Act will be signed into law Labor Day.

— Teresa Albano

The biggest stimulus package in U.S. history, presented by the Obama administration, will pass overwhelmingly with support from a very broad popular campaign led by the labor movement. Among the program’s provisions will be massive aid to states for education and health care, enabling states to end decades of cutbacks in these vital human services programs.

— Marilyn Bechtel

Campaigns for a restoration of full employment through public stimulus and works — and a strong national service program open to all unemployed and underemployed, as well as all those who seek to serve their country in alternative ways to military service — will be well under way!

Campaigns for universal health care, confronted with a severe recession and the higher costs of managed (through insurance) care, will make the move toward a single payer plan, which will rapidly gain ground as health care reform must be a major part of the stimulus/recovery package.

There will be a breakthrough in Palestinian/Israeli relations with an agreement on a long-term, UN-enforced, ceasefire.

— John Case

The Internet will spew democracy far beyond capitalism’s control.

— Jim Lane

A dramatic increase in the number of PWW readers, especially among union families.

— Rick Nagin

Something new will come along to replace Twitter.

— Barbara Russum

The politics of Latin America will continue to move to the left, though it is not clear that any more major countries will elect left-wing governments this year. But the right-wing governments of Mexico, Peru and Colombia will face major challenges from workers, peasants and indigenous people demanding an end to neo-liberal policies.

— Emile Schepers

U.S. relations with Cuba will begin to ease, providing a stimulus to the economy of Florida and other states. Mojitos with Cuban rum will become the “in” drink.

Thumb joint inflammation will emerge as a widespread health issue afflicting people under 40 — lol.

— Susan Webb

No fewer than six U.S. senators and members of the House of Representatives will red-bait supporters of the Employee Free Choice Act by invoking the specter of communism or socialism in their speeches against the bill. Nevertheless, the bill will pass and be signed into law in September.

— Joel Wendland

The working people will continue waging the historic battle for change.

We’ll see an unprecedented public works program and an overhaul of labor law.

Obama will support some major protest or act of civil disobedience, staying true to his campaign theme, “Change comes from the bottom up.”

A lot less people will die this year than in 2008 because of federal regulatory bodies failing to do their jobs. Food products will become safer and rules to protect people at their workplaces will again be enforced.

— John Wojcik

