
  • Time to pass Employee Free Choice

    Time to pass Employee Free Choice

    February 16, 2007 By Paul S. Kaczocha

    “I served my nation to protect the laws of our land, not companies like Smithfield that deprive us of those laws,” meatpacking worker Keith Ludlum told a packed congressional hearing last week.

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  • Another fast track to the unemployment line?

    Another fast track to the unemployment line?

    February 9, 2007 By Paul S. Kaczocha

    President Bush has asked Congress for approval of “fast track” authority. Fast track means that the president negotiates a trade agreement and Congress cannot make any changes in it; they can only vote it up or...

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  • Jury exonerates Seattle WTO protesters

    Jury exonerates Seattle WTO protesters

    February 9, 2007

    SEATTLE (PAI) — It took seven years, but 147 of the Seattle protesters against corporate-centered globalization finally won — in federal court. On Jan. 30, a federal district court jury ruled the city’s mass arrest of...

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  • Republicans delay minimum wage hike

    Republicans delay minimum wage hike

    February 9, 2007

    The Senate voted 94-3 last week to increase the federal minimum wage to $7.25 over two years from the current $5.15 per hour, but in a maneuver by Republicans it tied the hike to corporate tax...

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  • Dallas gropes for justice

    Dallas gropes for justice

    February 2, 2007

    Will Dallas, Texas, overcome a long and shameful history of racism and injustice? Will it establish a reputation for even-handed and color-blind fairness? That’s the publicly stated goal of the first African American ever elected to...

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