We’re back!

We’re back!

Yes, like the little engine that could, the People’s World is a daily again, in a bigger, better and more powerful format, reaching tens of thousands of readers through the ever-widening medium of the Internet.

We are proud, and unique among news media, to trace our heritage of progressive, working class, noncommercial journalism back to 1924. Over the past 85 years we’ve made many transitions – changing our frequency, our formats, our appearance, our size and style – to meet the challenges of the times and the limits of our finances.

Throughout all the ups and downs, we’ve kept on publishing and stuck to our roots and our principles – journalism of, by and for America’s working class and people.

In January 1958, when our predecessor The Daily Worker stopped daily publication, it pledged: “We’ll be back! Fighting for peace, democracy and socialism.”

And we did come back, continuing as a weekly, then a semiweekly, then again a daily, then back to a weekly for the past 18 years.

Today, we are thrilled to make a bold new transition to our state-of-the-art People’s World web site – peoplesworld.org.

We’ll be adding initiatives and improvements as we go. Top among them will be a focus on harnessing the power of ever-changing communications tools to reach America’s workers, young and old, on the job or out of work, struggling to get by and to make a better world for themselves, their families, their communities and their world.

You can be part of it in so many ways:

• Read an article you like? Don’t just appreciate it – e-mail it to friends, co-workers, family members, activists in your community. Repost it (with a link to the original, of course) at web sites you follow. Print it and post it on a work or neighborhood bulletin board. These are vital ways to build our readership and network of support.

• Let us know what you think about an article or topic – post a comment online.

• Send us a short report and photo about something happening in your area. For how-tos, contact us at contact@peoplesworld.org.

• Make a donation to carry it forward – no amount is too big or too small.

It takes plain old American gumption, grit and determination to take this big, bold step. We know there will be bumps along the way – when has that ever not been the case in the people’s movement? But with your help, we’ll keep marching down that road we stepped out on 85 years ago.

Yes, we’re back! Fighting for peace, democracy and socialism.




PW Editorial Board
PW Editorial Board

People’s World editorial board: Editor-in-Chief John Wojcik,  Managing Editor C.J. Atkins, Copy Editor Eric A. Gordon, Washington D.C. Bureau Chief Mark Gruenberg, Social Media Editor Chauncey K. Robinson, Senior Editor Roberta Wood, Senior Editor Joe Sims

