ST. LOUIS – The Community Arts and Media Project (CAMP) held a “Soup-Er Bowl Party” Jan. 27 to raise funds for a building it hopes to purchase here.

CAMP is a cooperative consisting of the St. Louis Independent Media Center (IMC), the Center for Alternative Technology, Food Not Bombs, SouthSide University, the Gateway Green Alliance, the Beehive Design Collective and Confluence, a bi-monthly progressive newspaper. CAMP hopes to “knit our community together through grassroots, collaborative arts and media projects, strengthening our youth and revitalizing our neighborhoods through collective action.”

Andy Jones, of the IMC, said, “we want to make grassroots journalism and collective media available to the community and provide coverage of under-reported material without the bias of corporate media. CAMP provides a forum for any one to make their ideas accessible. This is direct democracy,” Jones continued, “total representation!”

CAMP hopes to have a physical presence in the community by hosting an IMC local radio show, posting activists’ calendars, public access internet, cultural arts and theater shows and being an umbrella organization for activists to operate from.

“We want to provide an anti-capitalist exchange system of ideas,” said Tom Hallaran.

CAMP needs a $20,000 down payment to secure the building. CAMP has already raised $8,000 and are asking for support from the community.

“We want to empower people and share what is going on in the community,” said Molly Dupre.

