Search Results

    1731-1740 OF 1,763 RESULTS FOR "john wojcik"

  • Fury and grief in Utah mining town

    August 24, 2007

    The same day that Jocka Jones laid to rest her brother, who was killed trying to rescue six trapped Utah miners, officials of the Crandall Canyon Mine said it would soon be back in business. Choking back tears during a phone interview Aug. 22, Jones said her brother, Dale Ray Black, 48, “will have died in vain if one more person is killed in that mine.” With the underground rescue...

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  • This Week In Labor: August 18

    August 17, 2007

    Hog boss fires pro-union worker José Ozorio Figueroa, a worker at the Smithfield meatpacking plant in Tar Heel, N.C., was fired Aug. 6. Company representatives said he was terminated for showing up four minutes late to his shift, but Ozorio and almost all his co-workers believe he was fired for his union activities. Ozorio had actually clocked in a minute earlier than the start time for his shift when he...

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  • Catholic hospital chain pressed on low wages

    August 10, 2007

    CHICAGO (PAI) — Four years ago, Araceli Romero’s son Julio developed a serious infection. Romero, a laundress at Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago — flagship of one of the nation’s largest Catholic health care medical chains — had no health insurance. On what Resurrection paid, she couldn’t afford it. First, Romero tried to get her teenage son private care by taking him to clinics, but the money soon ran out....

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  • We salute Joyce Wheeler

    July 27, 2007

    We salute Joyce Wheeler on her retirement from the Baltimore City Public Schools.She has given 38 years of devoted service to the children of our city. We love and admire you, Joyce, for: • being an exemplary elementary classroom teacher for 27 years • being a staunch BTU building rep who walked the picket lines in 1975 • toiling for 11 years to raise science literacy as Baltimore’s only elementary...

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    July 27, 2007

    New Kennedy bill would further boost minimum wage Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) announced July 24 that he has introduced a new minimum wage hike bill that would raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011 and index it to inflation after that. The new bill was unveiled at a Capitol Hill celebration on the day that marked the first of the three stages in the minimum wage hike...

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  • As nightmare scenario unfolds in one plant, auto union fights for American way of life

    July 27, 2007By John Wojcik

    BELVIDERE, Ill. — Pretend you’re an autoworker and you’re having a bad dream. In your dream it’s 2008, one year after the Big Three — GM, Chrysler and Ford — got away with murder in contract negotiations. There are now two “classes” of workers in your plant doing exactly the same work but earning unequal pay. The companies said they had to have this “two class” system because it would...

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  • Iraq Inc.: Corporate hogs feed at war trough

    July 20, 2007

    Privatization, a strategy to eliminate public control over vital sectors of the economy, is nothing new. What is new, and perhaps more ominous, is that privatization has become the preferred method by which the Bush administration neoconservatives and transnational global corporations take over and occupy whole countries. Recent revelations that the number of U.S.-paid private contractors now far exceeds the number of American combat troops in Iraq show that Bush...

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  • This Week In Labor: July 21

    July 20, 2007

    Gov’t agency a union buster A watchdog is needed to keep an eye on the government’s “watchdog.” Mirroring private sector union-busting tactics — but paid for with our tax dollars — the Government Accountability Office has hired a private counsel and a union-busting firm to help the agency fight a unionizing drive by more than 1,400 analysts who want to form a union with the Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE)....

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  • July 14: This Week in Labor

    July 13, 2007

    Supreme Court slaps workers The Supreme Court, determined to roll back living standards for workers and strengthen corporate power and control, issued another ruling that does just that. On June 26, the court abandoned a 96-year ban on manufacturers and retailers conspiring to set price floors for products. In an absurd 5-4 decision, the court said that “agreements” on minimum prices are legal “if they promote competition.” The ruling means...

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    June 29, 2007

    Labor support grows for single-payer health insurance Communications Workers of America locals in New York state and Transport Workers Union locals in Florida have endorsed HR 676, single-payer health care legislation introduced by Michigan Rep. John Conyers. One of the Florida locals, TWU Local 561 in Virginia Gardens, is a 900-member group that represents aircraft mechanics at American Airlines. Jorge Rojas, the local vice president, said his union endorsed the...

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