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    1791-1800 OF 1,802 RESULTS FOR "john wojcik"


    May 04, 2007

    Steelworkers urge Drummond probe United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard has urged U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to join his counterpart in Colombia, Attorney General Mario Iguarian, in investigating the links between paramilitaries and Drummond Coal Co. The USW urged the probe as Gonzales and Iguarian planned to meet in Washington this week on the issue of support by U.S. companies, including Drummond, for right-wing terrorist groups in Columbia. Gerard demanded...

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    April 06, 2007

    Things don’t go better with Coca-Cola Teamsters at more than 100 plants in the U.S. and students at more than 70 campuses across the country held shop-floor actions and wore stickers in a national action April 2 to demand that the company stop abusing workers and the environment. Coke recently paid $192 million to settle an employee lawsuit over widespread racial discrimination and is attempting now to cut jobs and...

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    March 30, 2007

    Union love Kenneth Hill, a member of the Boilermakers Local 693, got married to Sonja McGruffin on the picket line outside the main gate of Northrop Grumman’s Ingalls shipyard, March 23, in Pascagoula, Miss. The wedding party and guest list was made up of fellow strikers, Black and white, who watched as Kenneth and Sonja exchanged vows. Hill works as a welder at the shipyard. The couple wanted to get...

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    March 23, 2007

    Tell McDonald’s, you’re not lovin’ it Farmworkers who pick tomatoes for McDonald’s don’t have the right to unionize or to receive overtime pay and have no benefits. Most make under $10,000 per year. Liz Cattaneo of American Rights at Work told the World by letter that if the company paid only a penny more a pound for its tomatoes, the wages of the farmworkers could be raised drastically. The company,...

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    March 02, 2007

    ‘Worker Squeezinart’ Employees of the Albertsons supermarket chain in Los Angeles dramatized their struggles Feb. 22 with street theater. The skits featured “Fatcat Albertson” showing off his “Amazing Profit Machine” churning out money at the expense of workers. Attention-grabbing visuals included giant signs, costumes and a “Worker Squeezinart.” Tens of thousands of LA grocery workers struggle to make ends meet as company profits soar. In 2005 Albertsons, Ralphs and Vons/Pavilions,...

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    February 23, 2007

    We want to hear from you! By e-mail: pww @ Subject: Letter to Editor Or by mail: People’s Weekly World Letter to Editor 3339 S. Halsted St. Chicago IL 60608 Letters should be limited to 200 words. We reserve the right to edit stories and letters. Only signed letters with the return address of the sender will be considered for publication, but the name of the sender will be...

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  • A mighty call for peace and justice

    February 16, 2007

    “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official.” President Theodore RooseveltIf you want to see America at its best, come to a demonstration against the Iraq war. Hundreds of thousands from across the United States flew, drove and rode to the nation’s capital, Jan. 27-29, to demand action to end the Iraq war and prevent President Bush...

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  • We voted for peace Marchers tell Congress to end Iraq war

    February 02, 2007

    WASHINGTON — More than 1,000 antiwar lobbyists from 48 states visited hundreds of lawmakers’ offices on Monday, Jan. 29, to urge them to pass a Senate resolution opposing the Iraq war and to use the “power of the purse strings” to terminate the deadly four-year conflict. The grassroots lobby came on the final day of a three-day mobilization sponsored by United for Peace and Justice that brought half a million...

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  • Worlds biggest hog boss meets its match: Smithfield workers take on global Goliath

    January 26, 2007

    Jim Adams started at Smithfield Packing on the hog kill floor assembly line. He was hurt on his first day, and by the time his second shift ended he knew he’d better keep his mouth shut and try to ignore the pain if he wanted to keep his job. During his first few months he kept getting hurt, until after eight months he tore the cartilage in his right knee,...

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  • The fight pays off Justice vs. Wal-Mart

    January 19, 2007

    Workers’ Correspondence Union busting has become so important to Wal-Mart, the nation’s biggest corporate fat cat, that it is offering to pay clerks and cashiers who sign up to work at its new “superstore” in Riverdale, N.J., $2 an hour more than the starting rate at the surrounding unionized stores. Those who get the jobs, however, will have no comparable health benefits and no job protection and will face wage...

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