Enjoying Bolshevik films and hoping for socialism
The logo of the legendary Mosfilm Studios, depicting the Vera Mukhina sculpture “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman.” | Mosfilm

Dear Editor,

I thank you for your recent article “Ten films that shook the world,” detailing ten very early Soviet films, as we look towards the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik victory over royal imposters, oppressors of the masses, and archaic forms of autocracy.

I am an arm-chair historian and am already working my way through these films, at least the ones that are easily available online. Thank you, once again!

If you ever get the chance, consider viewing the Nazi propaganda films such as “The Eternal Jew,” and the work of Leni Riefenstahl on behalf of that insane wallpaper hanger and the little corporal, Herr Schicklgruber. These films, especially “The Eternal Jew,” are so outrageous in proclaiming every lie about the Jews.

Finally, I’m out here in rural western Wisconsin, small towns mostly, so having your work and educational phone/video conferences keeps the flame alive in my heart that once we move beyond the current ultra-right, so-called “populist” regime that we will one day come to realize, more and more, Bill of Rights socialism being embraced by the working class in our land.

In solidarity,


Darren Foster



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