DALLAS — Members of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1700 hit the streets here as part of a national series of rallies aimed at winning a better contract with Greyhound Bus Lines.
“It’s not just the bus, it’s us!” the workers shouted as they circled the downtown bus station, which is just one block away from national corporate headquarters.
A leaflet said, “Greyhound drivers are still the safest in the country, but the company has cut a third of its employees, frozen our pension plan, and priced our health benefits out of reach. In Texas, the company has reduced or eliminated service to 26 towns and cities.”
Local Union President Bruce Hamilton explained to the rally that the company is trying to put off serious negotiations until close to the January contract expiration date. Other speakers talked about the hardships they had faced as the company kept cutting back. Some had had come from as far away as Philadelphia.
A North Texas Jobs with Justice representative thanked ATU 1700 members for their militant strike during the winter of 1989-90, when weekly protests were held at the bus station. Area unions came together to help, and eventually formed a Jobs with Justice chapter for ongoing solidarity actions.
Local 1700 represents more than 3,000 drivers, mechanics, and other employees. Previous rallies were in Los Angeles and Cleveland. Atlanta and New York will have rallies soon. For information about solidarity efforts, call Vice President Karen Miller at (901) 384-9433.
flittle7 @ yahoo.com