CHEERS to Texas Lieutenant Governor candidate and former AFL-CIO leader Linda Chavez-Thompson for picking “Rosie the Riveter” as her theme for a fund-raising poster. From Texas AFL-CIO
JEERS to the Republican ideologues hoping to ask the Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional the minimum wage, the National Labor Relations Act, overtime requirements and other laws that have benefited working families.
CHEERS to writer Matt Taibbi’s new book, Griftopia, for showing that local governments are selling off important public assets. Example: all the parking meters in Chicago.
JEERS to Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, for creating a plan that would reduce benefits by gradually raising the Social Security retirement age and gradually trimming benefits.
CHEERS to the New York Times reporters who pieced together the sources of some of the multi-million dollar secret contributions tainting the 2010 elections.
JEERS to the front group called “Latinos for Reform,” run by a major donor to former President George W. Bush, for running television ads in Nevada telling Hispanic voters NOT to vote on November 2.
CHEERS to the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, who have set up a national hotline for any voting problems: 1-866-Our-Vote.
JEERS to right-wing Republican tea party, Palin-endorsed candidate for U.S. Congress Stephen Broden for telling a reporter that violence is “on the table” if the Republicans don’t get what they want in this election!
CHEERS to the Economic Policy Institute for arguing in favor of a $250 payment to retirees who get no increase in Social Security again this year. From Economic Policy Institute
JEERS to Delta Airlines Chief Executive Richard Anderson for accusing labor organizers of “fear and smear” campaign tactics, calling them un-Christian.
Some content via The Associated Press.
Image: Texans for Linda.