It took a little longer than we had hoped but as of Oct. 12 we had raised our first $100,000 – $102,579 to be exact. Two states – Virginia and Maine – are over the top, with Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota and Utah coming on strong.
These achievements show that it can be done – that with seven weeks still to go, it is possible to finish this year’s drive on time. And that’s not all the good news: Todd Tollefson, our ‘web developer,’ has redesigned our web site, making it much more attractive and much, much more user-friendly.
‘We hope to make a place where activists of every kind will turn in search of ammunition for whatever struggles they are involved in,’ he said in announcing the new site.
But all is not peaches in cream. Our bank (it’s really not ‘our’ bank) has been gobbled up by a bigger bank and no longer wants to accept checks made out to the People’s Weekly World. So we ask that all checks be made out to Longview Publishing. When you send in your contribution, make sure that check says Longview Publishing instead of People’s Weekly World. And please: be as generous as you can.
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