The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC) has made a call for a massive march and demonstration in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 20.

The call declares that “it’s time for all those who believe in and still cherish democracy, freedom and equality to demand accountability from government officials and stop the war, at home and abroad!”

The march is likely to be the largest and broadest anti-war demonstration in the country since the beginning of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Co-sponsoring the march with NYSPC is the National Coalition for Peace and Justice (NCPJ), the 911 Emergency National Network and New York City Labor Against War.

The march demands include an end to the degrading and secret imprisonment of immigrants, government funding for programs to benefit the economic victims of the Sept. 11 attacks and the recession, an end to the war and a U.S. foreign policy based upon social and economic justice, not military and corporate oppression.

Because the march has been called by the youth and student movement there are a number of demands related to the specific impact of the war on education and youth. The march will demand an end to racial profiling and military recruitment targeting youth of color and working-class youth, increased funding for non-military-based financial aid for education and full disclosure of military contracts with universities.


