Sometimes you have to blow your own horn so people know about your accomplishments. This is one of those times.
I can say — unabashedly — that the People’s Weekly World played an outstanding role in informing and activating readers around the midterm elections. Going through the archives, it’s amazing to see how many stories were right on target:
• Jan. 7: “A resolution for 2006: Take back Congress”
• Feb. 25: “Wave of voter outrage could swamp Republicans”
• March 11: “S. Dakota passes anti-woman law”
• April 1: “Republican voters jumping ship on Iraq occupation”
• April 15: “Today we march, tomorrow we vote”
• May 6: “Senate Republicans feel street heat”
• June 10: “Campaigns to raise the minimum wage sweep the country”
• July 29: “Despite stem cell veto, scientists and patients fight on”
• Aug. 5: “GOPers back Democrat for Congress”
• Sept. 2: “Labor’s election plan: Turn up the turnout!”
• Sept. 16: “Black Caucus: End war, rebuild New Orleans, vote Nov. 7”
• Sept. 16: “Latino leaders push voter turnout”
• Sept. 30: “Take Back Ohio’ moves to high gear”
• Oct. 7: “Flood of sleaze engulfs GOP”
• Oct. 21: “It’s about ‘turnout, turnout, turnout’”
• Oct. 28: “Voter revolt could topple GOP”
The question for you is a simple one. What would be the impact on the country’s political struggles if the People’s Weekly World had a larger readership?
You can help answer that question by donating to the annual fund drive. By reaching $200,000, the People’s Weekly World can increase its readership and influence and continue its unique and insightful coverage. If you have already given, thank you. I hope you will give again. If you haven’t yet given, I hope you will consider doing so today.
The sample of headlines shows our unique emphasis on issues moving the public, the role of labor, African Americans, Latinos and women as key electoral forces, plus, with our writers being in the midst of the struggle against the ultra-right, all of this puts the People’s Weekly World far ahead of the curve in news and analysis.
This is the kind of tuned-in newspaper our country needs to guarantee that the victory at the polls is turned into real life improvements for working families and children. Please make a donation of $1,000 $500, $100, $50, $25 or what you can afford. You will help build momentum for more victories and bring us into 2007 on fighting footing.
talbano @