So many of us dread those supper-time phone calls that have become a mainstay of capitalism: telemarketing. But let’s face it, every once in a while they may catch us by surprise with a good deal! And one is about to come your way.
On the evenings of Dec. 2-6, please do answer your phones because it won’t be pesky telemarketers! Supporters of the People’s WeeklyWorld/Nuestro Mundo from your area and members of the PWW editorial board will be dialing your number in a nationwide phone-a-thon to raise money to finish this year’s Fund Drive.
The deal we are going to offer you in return for a contribution is another year of coverage of news that is censored by the corporate media. With the looming war in Iraq, the grinding economic crisis and the rising fightback spirit of those who believe in democracy, we believe that our newspaper is yet another avenue to fight the far right, corporate Bush administration’s agenda.
Yes, for 78 years our paper has continued at times against tremendous odds. Our staying power comes from the close connection to the labor and people’s struggles and most importantly from the supporters who contribute their hard-earned money to keep the presses rolling. This year great dangers makes raising the money even more urgent. But, we have an exciting year ahead as well with the move of the editorial offices to our new center in Chicago.
If you have given already – THANK YOU! If you haven’t had a chance, take the time to think about what you can do. Between Dec. 2 and 6 we’ll be calling you and we hope that you’ll squeeze a little more out of your budgets for us. Thanks in advance and have a Happy Thanksgiving!