Already, the PWW’s friends have raised over $100,000 in this year’s fund drive, attaining half of the $200,000 goal earlier than expected.
“Each week brings us a step closer to 100 percent of our goal,” said Pam Saffer, who is coordinating the PWW’s fundraising efforts this year. “We’re looking forward to reaching our national goal in the next six weeks.”
Contributions have ranged from $1 sent in by a prisoner who reads the paper and passes it around to his friends, all the way up to $5,000.
“Contributions of any amount count,” Saffer said.
The state where readers have given the most so far is New York, where the PWW’s friends have raised $20,000, more than 50 percent of their $39,000 goal. The second highest group is the Northern California friends, who have turned in well over $14,000, or 71 percent of their goal.
On top of that, several districts have far surpassed the 50 percent mark. The Central and Southern Minnesota Friends of the PWW have already raised 90 percent of their goal, for example. George W. Bush’s home state, Texas, has proven that its residents are willing to fight the Bush agenda: they’ve raised $2,040, or 82 percent of their goal.
The People’s Weekly World’s editorial board is extending special congratulations to New Mexico’s Friends of the PWW. That state has become the first in the nation to complete their goal. To fulfill their goal, the PWW’s New Mexico friends sent in a $600 check, with a note attached: “More to come.”
Apparently, Santa Claus, in the form of the PWW’s readers and friends, is planning to return again.
dmargolis @