Stop Trumpcare! Call your senator!
Mitch McConnell. | AP

The GOP Senate Trumpcare bill callously strips 22 million people of health insurance, eliminates standard protections and lavishes $700 billion tax breaks on the rich.

Stop the madness! Call your Senators today! 202-224-3121

15 million people will lose health care coverage in the first year alone! State by state losses can be found here.

The elderly, disabled and children and low income workers will be thrown to the wolves.

The GOP is rushing the bill to a vote this week. But the American people oppose Trumpcare. The CBO score rendered the bill indefensible and GOP opposition is growing.

Pressure on key GOP senators can block Trumpcare. Call your Senators today! 202-224-3121

Democrats solidly oppose Trumpcare so the GOP can only afford to lose three votes. These GOP senators oppose or have expressed strong reservations based on how massive Medicaid cuts will affect their states:

Dean Heller (NV)

Susan Collins (ME)

Lisa Murkowsky (AK)

Rob Portman (OH)

Shelly Moore Capito (WVA)

Bill Cassidy (LA)

Jeff Flake (AZ)

Corker (TN)

Steve Daines (MT)

Joni Ernst (IA)

Cory Gardner (CO)

John Hoeven (ND)

Ben Sasse (NB)

Marco Rubio (FL)

Defeating Trumpcare and attempts to undermine Obamacare lays the basis to defeat the GOP in 2018 and next steps in winning universal health care: the public option and a single-payer Medicare for All system.

Let’s do all we can do to defeat Trumpcare!

John Bachtell,  chair, CPUSA


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