Around the country, districts are working hard to complete their goals in the 2002 People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Fund Drive.
Congratulations to Washington State, which turned in a check for $1,500 last weekend and completed their goal of $10,000 for the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Fund Drive!
Florida, Illinois and Oregon are close behind. The total in the Fund Drive is now over $140,000, or about 70 percent of the goal with three weeks remaining.
New Jersey Friends of the PWW are sponsoring a state-wide raffle as part of their work to fulfill their $11,000 goal. They are selling 120 tickets at $10 each for the PWW Fund Drive. First prize: a digital camera! There are a few tickets remaining.
They are also selling T-shirts with the slogan, “United We Stand for Peace” in red and blue on a white background with the peace sign on a globe. They are $15 each but available in packs of five for $10 each. Contact if you would like to take a chance at winning the raffle or are interested in purchasing T-shirts.
In Philadelphia, the Schoolworkers Club held a Cuban dinner at Debbie Bell’s home. To accompany the delicious food, PWW Editorial Board member Rosita Johnson provided food for the mind – personal stories and photos of her trip to Cuba, which she wrote about in recent editions of the PWW. Rosita’s presentation was followed by a stimulating question and answer session. About 30 people participated and raised $300 toward the Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware district’s $8,000 goal for the PWW Fund Drive.
Other exciting events, including holiday parties, are being planned in several states.
If you have a story about the 2002 People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Fund Drive or a Fund Drive event, e-mail it to