WASHINGTON – AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who has a law degree, issued the following statement on Harris vs. Quinn, the fee-payers/free riders case:
“The extreme views of today’s Supreme Court aimed at home care workers aren’t just bad for unions – they’re bad for all workers and the middle class. But the attacks on the freedom of workers to come together are nothing new. They are part of an onslaught from anti-worker organizations hostile to raising wages or improving benefits for millions of people.
“These attacks are a direct cause of an economy in which middle class families can’t get a break because their wages have stagnated and their incomes have declined.
“Home care is one of the fastest growing industries. Its workers do backbreaking, thankless work, often for low wages. By forming a union these workers are helping to combat income inequality and the rise of low wage jobs, ensuring that these are good jobs with good benefits.
“Make no mistake: the fate of workers cannot and will not be decided by one Supreme Court decision. The court upheld the right of public employees to have strong unions and workers will vigorously build on that foundation.”
Photo: Richard Trumka. AP