WASHINGTON—House and Senate members returned to their home districts for their two-week spring break to face voter demands they enact President Obama’s budget providing many billions for “green jobs,” health care, and education.

Americans United for Change (AUFC) reported that a coalition of 114 human needs groups are organizing 150 grassroots events on the theme “Rebuild and Renew America Now” in lawmakers’ districts in support of the budget. Organizers also plan to warn against crippling cuts pushed by Republican and conservative Democratic colleagues. The House and Senate recently approved the non-binding Budget Resolution, the first step in passing Obama’s $3.5 trillion Fiscal Year 2010 budget that begins next Oct. 1. That resolution set limits on overall spending – now the struggle begins on specific items in the budget ending with the vote to appropriate the funds for a multitude of programs.

Tom McMahon, AUFC acting executive director, said, “We are eager to see Congress pass a budget that fully embraces the President’s priorities for health care reform, education, and clean energy – priorities that will build a solid foundation for long-term economic growth and creating jobs.”

More than 100 events in 44 states will highlight demands for health care reform. Nearly 30 members of Congress are participating in these events sponsored by Health Care for America Now (HCAN). The mobilization includes town hall meetings and marches to stress the urgency of enacting health care reform “with rules that prevent a minority of Senators from blocking a vote” on a health care bill supported by a majority of the Senate.

The United States Student Association is holding 25 rallies and meetings on college campuses from California to Florida and from Massachusetts to Wisconsin in support of Obama’s education budget, which includes dramatic increases in funds for Pell Grants and other student financial assistance.

Environment America is mobilizing in support of the “green energy” elements of Obama’s budget. The centerpiece is releasing reports in more than 25 states “showing the local benefits to taxpayers, clean energy businesses, toxic clean-up, and water infrastructure” if Obama’s budget is approved.

Tax Day, April 15, ACORN, US PIRG, USAction, and AFSCME will hold dozens of events outside local post offices in at least 30 states to support Obama’s measures restoring fairness to the tax code. It includes demands that the House and Senate approve Obama’s proposal to close “an outrageous loophole…that allows off-shore corporate tax havens,” said AUFC media director, Jeremy Funk. The coalition, he said, will release a new report from US PIRG based on GAO data showing how much more of the tax burden falls on taxpayers “as a result of big corporations avoiding paying taxes on their profits by setting up an offshore P.O. box.’

