
  • Looking Global Warming in the Eye

    Looking Global Warming in the Eye

    July 22, 2008

    When I first reported on global warming in the 1990s, events unfolded relatively slowly. Now they occur in such a blur that they barely have time to register on the media eye. Here's a sampling from...

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  • WORLD NOTES: July 19

    WORLD NOTES: July 19

    July 18, 2008

    Peru: Workers, peasants mount general strike The General Confederation of Peruvian Workers protested Peru’s free trade treaty with the U.S. as well as low wages and rising costs by staging a nationwide general strike on July...

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  • Palestinians hit by food and water crises

    Palestinians hit by food and water crises

    July 16, 2008

    Three United Nations agencies have warned of a decline in Palestinian living standards, with a new report showing that high food prices and falling incomes are forcing families to manage with less and lower quality food....

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  • Irelands No vote challenges pro-business pact

    Irelands No vote challenges pro-business pact

    July 16, 2008

    The people of Ireland voted resoundingly against the Lisbon Treaty in a popular referendum vote June 13. The vote was 53.4 percent “No.” Opponents of the pact said the vote demonstrated the strong will of the...

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  • Lula takes to the road for Brazil

    Lula takes to the road for Brazil

    July 16, 2008

    Brazil, the world’s 10th largest economy, has adopted an increasingly assertive role in world politics as it promotes Latin American unity, justice for the poor world especially in regard to food supplies, and Brazil’s place in...

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