
  • US/Colombia agreement targets Venezuela

    US/Colombia agreement targets Venezuela

    August 4, 2009 By W. T. Whitney Jr.

    A U.S.-Colombian agreement divulged last month is emblematic of what Le Monde Diplomatique correspondent Omar Roberto Rodriguez characterized as a “brutal counteroffensive” against “progressive and democratic governments.” Colombia will allow the United States for 10 years...

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  • Chavez lambasts big pharmaceutical firms

    Chavez lambasts big pharmaceutical firms

    June 24, 2009 By Morning Star

    Venezuela plans to scrap some pharmaceutical patents and allow domestic manufacturers to produce generic drugs. Commerce Minister Eduardo Saman declared at the weekend that Venezuela's socialist government would annul patents on some medicines under a reform...

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  • OPINION: Cuba and Venezuela are not enemies

    OPINION: Cuba and Venezuela are not enemies

    April 29, 2009 By Jarvis Tyner

    The Obama administration did the right thing when they ordered the closing of the Guantanemo torture prison, and restored the right of US Cubans to travel and send remittances to their relatives on the island nation.

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  • Venezuelan and Chicago leaders discuss creating peoples power

    Venezuelan and Chicago leaders discuss creating peoples power

    March 28, 2009

    CHICAGO – In an effort to share experiences led by grassroots struggles, leaders from Venezuela and local community groups here on the Southwest Side of the city came together to talk about what it takes to...

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  • Venezuelan president’s backers celebrate referendum win

    Venezuelan president’s backers celebrate referendum win

    February 16, 2009

    February 16 (Xinhua) Supporters celebrated President Hugo Chavez's win in the constitutional referendum Sunday night, which has lifted term limits to allow him to run in 2012 presidential election and stay in power as long as...

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