NEW YORK — The People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo wrapped up its 2006 Fund Drive on Dec. 31. The newspaper’s fund drive committee said that they were pleased with the drive’s results.
Events and individual contributions raised $180,000, just short of the $200,000 goal.
“Raising $180,000 is a big success,” said PWW editor Terrie Albano. “Last year, we raised $139,000 towards our $150,000 goal and we had to extend the drive by at least a month.”
“Readers and supporters value this newspaper and showed it by putting in time and effort to raise the money,” she said. “Friends of the People’s Weekly World in New York, Illinois, California, Connecticut, Texas, Maryland, Oregon, Arizona, Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, Ohio, Minnesota and the Dakotas, Colorado, Missouri and Kansas, and New Mexico all met their goals or went beyond.”
Other states and local committees worked hard and did better than last year, she said, but not meeting the targets in those areas made a negative impact on the drive overall.
When asked why there is such a fierce commitment to the PWW, Albano replied, “No other left-wing newspaper in the United States highlighted the importance of defeating Bush and the ultra-right in the congressional elections to create a new political landscape more favorable to working families. We not only covered that struggle, our reporters were part of it. People really appreciate that.”
New York, which raised over $41,000 — $2,000 above its goal — took the prize for most money raised.
“We’re thrilled,” said Elena Mora, who along with Jenn Perna coordinated N.Y. state’s efforts. “I had this feeling of anxiety about having to raise nearly $40,000, and reluctantly agreed to it. But now I think we could raise even more.”
Texas supporters took in nearly $500 more than their $2,500 goal (even though the PWW has repeatedly threatened to send George W. Bush back to their state!).
PWW friends threw important fund raising events, some drawing hundreds while others were more intimate. One example was a group in Philadelphia, which held a December event with Dr. Walter Tsou, former Philadelphia city health commissioner, who has consistently fought for universal health care. The event brought well over 100 people and thousands of dollars. Also honored were peace activist Larry Horowitz and labor activist Ben Sears.
Fund drive coordinator Pamella Saffer expressed thanks to the fund drive committee for “consistently coming through.” Saffer said fund drive volunteers Gail Ryall of Northern California, Arturo Cambron of Southern California, Joe Bernick of Arizona, Lance Cohn of Illinois and Dorothy Johnson of Connecticut deserve special mention.
“We learned a lot of lessons,” Saffer added. “We’re looking forward to progressing even further in the coming year, to moving ahead, and to strengthening our coverage. I feel confident that 2007’s fund drive will be even better.”
“The PWW editorial board and staff,” said Albano, “want to thank the readers for supporting this newspaper. Your support shows the PWW is a vital part of the movements for peace, economic justice, democracy, equality and socialism.”
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