As 2002 ended, so did the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Fund Drive. We’re still totaling up the amounts as the last of the money comes into the office. But we can already see that this year our readers re-committed themselves to supporting this paper in a new way.
While the fund drive has ended, the need to increase our readership has not. The People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Editorial Board set the goal of 2,000 new subscriptions this year. It’s a tall order, but with your help we can do it.
Sometimes the best advertising is grassroots “word-of-mouth.” Even slick Madison Ave. corporations try to use it. One step that you can take is to ask your friends, coworkers, neighbors and family to subscribe. If every subscriber gets one new subscriber, we’ll get 2,000 in no time.
2003 is shaping up to be a year full of struggle and hope – two things the PWW/Mundo offers. We’ll be continuing our coverage of key struggles against the Bush administration and for peace, economic rights, equality and democracy. We’ll be bringing you news and views from the labor and peoples’ movements here and worldwide, as well as news and views from the Communist Party.
You can get this coverage out and influence the political atmosphere in your area by ordering a bundle of the PWW/Mundo. You can pass it out at local events, leave it at your neighborhood laundromat, coffee shop, barber shop or union hall.
We’re also working on website improvement. We recently added the feature of PDF versions of top stories, making it easier for our readers and other activists to pass out single articles as leaflets. We plan on adding a working search engine to the site, so readers can find a specific article, topic or author. Mundo will have its own site, making it easier to find and read the Spanish-language articles.
And in the coming weeks, you’ll be able to buy a subscription online using your credit card.
So fill out the coupon at the bottom of the page and get us one subscription closer to our goal – one of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make.
The author can be reached at