I wrote this poem while sitting at a bookstore that was on the east side of Rockford, IL. Some of the elements that were mentioned in the poem I actually had by my side. In a creative mood, I heard a woman’s voice – the rest is history.
“I Met Her At A Book Store”
I met her at a bookstore
Amidst the aroma of coffee,
laughter, and conversation.
Somehow our eyes met. We
began to admire and respect
each others presence.
In essence I considered
our first glance a chance
For my soul’s salvation.
Clearest to me was the sunshine
Of her smile and the beauty of her
dimpled cheeks, which caused me
To stumble over my speech
from time to time.
Her laughter was liquid upon
The jazz that played lightly in
the cafe. I could not have had
a better day.
She saw me sipping green tea
serenely, then wanted to meet me.
Turns out, she beat me to the last copy
Of Pablo Neruda‘s ” On The Blue Shore
of Silence.”
That’s how we met: Her hand touched
mine and in that brief moment in time
We seemed to marry one another.
I found myself smothered
In the glory of her greatness
Singing silently in a blanketing
bliss of love’s unpredictable beauty.
I met her at a bookstore. My
life has changed forevermore.
© Christopher D. Sims
Photo: Ian Collins/Flickr/CC