The rubble of Hiroshima, Sept. 8, 1945. | AP
There were no heroes
in Hiroshima,
only shadows
misery and mortality
like a terrestrial terror
by a demonic order
from the president
who called himself
a True Man,
setting a precedent
for a power shift
to the Capitol.
An aircraft
plain to see
was bombarding
with atoms
that exploded
like mushrooms
in a cloud
which rained
upon a city,
a nagging replay
in Nagasaki,
in racist retribution
for a nation
led by brutes
already vanquished
in war battles
by Bolsheviki
and their allies.
T`was a signal
to Socialism
of a U.S. supreme
and the nucleus
of a race
to arms
in cold conflict,
to inflict
war again
on peoples
who yearned
for peace.