
  • Letters: OCTOBER 4

    Letters: OCTOBER 4

    October 3, 2008

    Bailout Former Communist Party Chair Gus Hall stated in the opening of his book “Imperialism Today”: “The French have a saying: ‘The more things change, the more they remain the same.’” This is most interesting because...

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  • EDITORIAL: An insult to women

    EDITORIAL: An insult to women

    October 3, 2008

    Sarah Palin’s selection as the Republicans’ vice-presidential candidate is an insult to women, and to the American people. It sent several disgusting messages. One: We can use women for window-dressing. Two: Women voters are dumb. They’ll...

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  • Why McCain suspended his campaign

    Why McCain suspended his campaign

    October 3, 2008

    Behind The NewsJohn McCain got lucky last week. Less than 24 hours after the New York Times broke a story about McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis’ ties to the Freddie Mac, the big home lender that...

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  • OPINION: How to solve the mortgage meltdown

    OPINION: How to solve the mortgage meltdown

    October 2, 2008

    It had to happen: Some Republicans are trying to blame the Democrats for the mortgage meltdown, and for the stock exchange crisis that this has triggered, because Democratic politicians have allegedly pushed laws to make it...

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  • To bail or not to bail?

    To bail or not to bail?

    October 2, 2008 By John Wojcik And Teresa Albano

    The difficulty in sealing a deal to relieve the financial crisis is no surprise. People on Main Street are fuming over the Bush administration’s $700 billion “cash for trash” proposal to bail out Wall Street at...

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