
  • Taxation and you: Obama vs. McCain

    Taxation and you: Obama vs. McCain

    September 17, 2008

    The numbers are finally in! John McCain’s Double Talk Express has been hitting Barack Obama hard at every opportunity spreading all kinds of misinformation about his tax plan. According to McCain, Obama’s tax plan will mean...

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  • Unity  the only road to victory

    Unity the only road to victory

    September 17, 2008

    Recently, at political events I attended, I came in contact with supporters of Ralph Nader and Green candidates. They held forth on how those candidates were “much better than Obama” because they took “much better positions.”...

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  • The union and I  why labor unions are good for labor

    The union and I why labor unions are good for labor

    September 13, 2008

    Workers’ Correspondence I arrived at the University of North Florida (UNF) in the fall of 1979 as an untenured faculty member with two contractual guarantees. The first was the bargaining agreement between the faculty union and...

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  • EDITORIAL: Wrong course after 9/11

    EDITORIAL: Wrong course after 9/11

    September 12, 2008

    The seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States passes this week with Americans united in their terrible memories of the loss of life and destruction that resulted from the attack. We are...

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  • Is Freddie Mac REALLY never coming back?

    Is Freddie Mac REALLY never coming back?

    September 9, 2008

    The Bush administration seized control this week of the scandal-ridden mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as the drive for profits by the corporate executives running them threatened both the financial markets and the entire...

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