Marriage Equality
At Tokyo Pride, Japanese Communist Party pledges fight for LGBTQ equality law
April 28, 2022Party chair Shii Kazuo said the Communists plan to put forward a same-sex marriage recognition measure in the parliament.
Read moreCuba está más cerca de la igualdad en el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo
September 19, 2021La igualdad fue un gran triunfo en Cuba el miércoles cuando se publicó un nuevo borrador del código de familia del país que propone otorgar a las parejas del mismo sexo el derecho a casarse y...
Read moreDraft family code brings Cuba closer to same-sex marriage equality
September 17, 2021LGBTQ equality was a big winner in Cuba this week.
Read moreFormidable challenges face LGBTQ movement in today’s America
May 12, 2017Every advance achieved during the Barack Obama years was targeted for repeal. Egged on by Trump’s attacks on the free press and “political correctness,” bullies of every stripe from the boardroom down to the schoolyard suddenly...
Read moreMinnesota celebrates national love
July 6, 2015"Love Wins" became a national hashtag connecting millions of people from all over the world who supported the big win in the U.S.
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