750K march in Los Angeles, saying “we must embrace each other”
January 23, 2017The people truly owned the streets.
Read moreIs Trump’s “America First” a cover for isolationism?
January 23, 2017This Machiavelli style of governing is corrupt as well as morally reprehensible – not to mention irresponsible as a leading world government.
Read moreBirthing a fight back: The Women’s March in Washington
January 23, 2017The march here and those around the world were so huge Trump was not able to knock them out of the headlines.
Read moreSan Jose march the biggest in its history
January 23, 2017"That man who said he was going to unite America—well, mission accomplished! We’re calling ourselves the Resistance in Sacrament."
Read moreRenegotiating NAFTA: Trump could make bad deal worse
January 18, 2017The impoverishment of workers in Mexico is not in the interests of the working class in the United States.
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