John Bachtell
Strategy for democratic, green socialism and global transformation
December 19, 2018Capitalism is killing the planet, but we can't for socialism to do something about it.
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U.S. and Vietnamese Communist Parties meet in Washington
December 12, 2018Ever since the Vietnam War, the Communist Parties of the two countries have shared a special relationship - one that continues to this day.
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Trumpism loses a battle, but not the war
November 28, 2018Bankrupt of ideas, the GOP has a narrowing base, is descending deeper into crisis, and is becoming a “cult of Trump.”
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Midterms were a big victory, but future Democratic gains not guaranteed
November 13, 2018Any notion the election result was a “split decision” obscures what really happened on November 6. But Democrats can't just rely on demographics to deliver future wins.
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Only things left in Republican arsenal: Fear, racism, and hate
November 2, 2018It’s all they've got left to stem expected losses in the face of energized Democratic voters and widespread erosion of support for their key policies.
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Trump fear factory is humming around the clock
October 25, 2018Blaming media for pipe bombing crisis is an act of desperation as the midterm elections approach.
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Kavanaugh’s on the bench, but extreme right can still be defeated
October 9, 2018The country stands at an unprecedented moment. History is calling on us to rise to the occasion.
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The tide is turning against Trump and the GOP
September 12, 2018Much of the Trump/GOP agenda can be blocked and favorable circumstances created for an even bigger victory in 2020 to end this national nightmare.
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