Starbucks workers plan ‘National Day Of Action,’ Aug. 7
Starbucks Workers United/Twitter

NEW YORK—Starbucks workers, in their organizing the monster coffee chain, have a new twist for their latest National Day of Action, August 7: Have customers “Adopt a store.” A non-union store, that is.

Confused? Don’t be, says Starbucks Workers United, the Service Employees affiliate which is aiding the workers’ grass-roots nationwide unionization campaign. The union workers want the customers to start leafleting on their behalf, but at stores where Starbucks and its bosses still resist.

“Despite the power workers built and our eagerness to engage with the company, Starbucks continues to use whatever tactics they can think of to get in the way of workers’ efforts to make improvements in our workplace. Now it’s time for Starbucks customers and allies to join the fight.”

But the fact the fight continues shows the importance of congressional passage of the Protect The Right To Organize (PRO) Act, organized labor’s top legislative priority. It not only would make it easier to organize all the Starbucks stores but would force Starbucks to the bargaining table.

If bosses don’t reach a contract within six months of the start of talks, the PRO Act would mandate arbitration.

Allies and customers who “adopt” a non-union Starbucks store—more than 340 are unionized out of 3,000 total—would distribute flyers to customers and passers-by explaining the workers’ campaign for decent pay, worker rights, sane schedules, an end to favoritism, and for respect on the job. Not to mention bargaining a contract, which Starbucks refuses to do.

“August 7 is just the first of a series of national days of action to activate customers and allies to hold Starbucks accountable and demand the company lives up to its progressive values. Together, we’ll send the message we won’t let up until Starbucks quits union busting and starts respecting worker rights!” Starbucks Workers United says.

“Adoptions” are already scheduled for a carload of Starbucks stores in Manhattan, several in Brooklyn, one in Chicago’s LaSalle Street financial district, several in New Jersey, and one each in downtown D.C., Pittsburgh, downtown St. Louis, and downtown Minneapolis. Locations and signups are at

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Mark Gruenberg
Mark Gruenberg

Award-winning journalist Mark Gruenberg is head of the Washington, D.C., bureau of People's World. He is also the editor of the union news service Press Associates Inc. (PAI). Known for his reporting skills, sharp wit, and voluminous knowledge of history, Mark is a compassionate interviewer but tough when going after big corporations and their billionaire owners.

