People's World

  • People’s banquet says, Yes we did it!

    People’s banquet says, Yes we did it!

    January 24, 2009

    CHICAGO – Over a 100 friends, supporters and staff of this newspaper celebrated the heroic efforts made by local election activists in the historic campaign of President Obama at the Parthenon restaurant here on Jan. 11,...

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  • A first-class paper

    A first-class paper

    January 17, 2009 By Dan Margolis

    For more than 80 years, the People’s Weekly World and its predecessors, including the Daily Worker and the Daily World, have been delivering first-class coverage of news important to working people but ignored by the corporate...

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  • Fred Gaboury, dean of labor writers, 78

    Fred Gaboury, dean of labor writers, 78

    February 12, 2004 By Tim Wheeler

    Fred Gaboury, a logger from the Pacific Northwest, had Paul Bunyan-sized hands so big he couldn’t make his fingers hit the right typewriter keys. Yet in 30 years as a peerless labor writer, he interviewed hundreds...

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